Public Talk: Ian McAllister at the Herring Festival

June 19, 2015
Trading Routes Exhibition Space, Gulf of Georgia Cannery
Pacific Herring Event Recap

Photograph courtesy of Ian McAllister

Ian McAllister is a photographer whose artworks are included in the show Trading Routes: Rivers, Fish and Oil. Also the executive director of Pacific Wild Ian McAllister spoke as a guest speaker at The Gulf of Georgia Cannery on June 9th 2015 during the ‘Herring Festival’. Situated in the same physical space as the Trading Routes exhibition, the programming at the ‘Herring Festival’ addressed many of the same themes as the visual art. The celebration hosted talks, dances and fundraising for the preservation and awareness of preserving herring stocks in support of the Heiltsuk nation.

Celebration InvitationA crowd gathers to watch dancers at the Herring Festival Heiltsuk Dancers perform at the Herring Festival

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