Beer, R (October 2016) Art/Environment/Community, in conversation with the exhibition Ruth Beer: States of Matter, The Reach Gallery Museum, Abbotsford, BC. Invited panellist
Beer, R (September 22, 2016) Indigenous Rights & Global Responsibilities. Symposium Museum of Anthropology, UBC , Vancouver, BC. Invited panellist (with Wade Davis, Sheryl Lightfoot, Chief Larry Grant Jordan Williams, Lawrence Paul Yuxwelupton)
Beer, R. (June 1, 2016) SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Report, SSHRC Congress 2016 Calgary AB. Guest Artist Talk. On the Energy Humanities: Contributions from the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Art to Understanding Energy Transitions and Energy Impasse. With: Szeman, I., Wilson, S., Beer, R., Carriou, W., Simpson, M.
Beer, R, (April 29, 2016) Invited Artist Talk: States of Matter. Two Rivers Gallery, Prince George, BC April 29- July 10, 2016
Beer, R. (August 18–24, 2015). After Oil School, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Guest artist/lecturer and invited participant.
Beer, R. (2014, February 4–6). Petrocultures 2014: Oil, Energy, and Canada’s Future, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, McGill University, Montreal, PQ. Invited Speaker.
Beer, R. (2013, November 3–4). After Oil Symposium, Banff Centre for Arts, Banff, AB. Invited participant.
Beer, R. (2011). Research/Creation: Creative Waters, Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver, BC. Invited Speaker, Interdisciplinary Forums.
Beer, R (July 6–8, 2017) Art in Humanities: Disrupting the Currents of Energy and Extraction in Northern Canada. New Directions in the Humanities Conference, University Collage London, England.
Beer, R (November 8–10, 2016) Video “Atlases”: Counter-Mapping in Canada’s Northwest, Relate North 2016. Practising Place: Art & Design for Creative Communities network, Artic Sustainability Art and Design (ASAD) Network, University of the Arctic, Moray College, Scotland
Beer, R., Grauer K., Lee, K., & Clarke, R. (2015, October 25–27). Ebb & Flow: Navigating societal trends and expectations. Paper presented at the British Columbia Museums Association (BCMA) Conference, Trading Routes Exhibition: Heritage Museum and artists/researcher collaborations addressing controversial themes. New Westminster, BC, Canada.
Trading Routes (August 31- Sept 3, 2016). Water, Fish Oil West Coast Perspective, Petrocultures 2016: The Offshore conference, Memorial University — St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Beer, R. (June 1, 2016) SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Report, SSHRC Congress 2016 Calgary AB. Guest Artist Talk. On the Energy Humanities: Contributions from the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Art to Understanding Energy Transitions and Energy Impasse. With: Szeman, I., Wilson, S., Beer, R., Carriou, W., Simpson, M.
Beer, R. (2015). CONTESTED TERRAIN: Contemporary Art Representing Land, Natural Resource Economies and Culture. Paper presented at the Arts in Society annual conference, University College London, London, United Kingdom.
Beer, R. (2015, April 16–20). Site Determined Artwork: Mapping Cultural and Environmental Landscapes for Social and Political Change. Paper presented at American Education Research Association (AERA) 2015 — Toward Justice: Culture, Language, and Heritage in Education Research and Praxis, Chicago, IL.
Beer, R. (April 2016) Trading Routes, Grease Trails, Oil Futures: Video “Atlases” as a Radical Form of Counter-Mapping, AERA (American Education Research Association) conference presentation Washington DC
Beer, R., Grauer, K., Lee, K., & Clarke, R. (November 2015) Museum/Artist/Researcher Collaborations: Trading Routes Controversial Themes, BC Museums Association Annual Conference. New Westminster, BC.
Beer, R., & Grauer, K. (2015, March 26–28). Learning Through Creative Exchange: Counter-Mapping and Culture Along Proposed Pipelines. Paper presented at the National Art Education Association, New Orleans, LA.
Beer, R. (2015). Cracks in the Ice: Mapping Northern Resource Extraction, Art, Culture and the Environment. Paper presented at Relate North 2015: Culture, Community and Communication, University of Alaska, Anchorage, AK.
Beer, R. (2014). Oil + Water: Artworks informed by grease trails and oil pipelines. Invited speaker at the Heritage, Identity, Culture conference, Arctic Sustainability Art and Design (ASAD), Sami University College, Kautokeino, Norway.
Beer, R. (2014). Trading Routes: Trading Places in Canada’s Remote Northwest ANZAAE. Paper presented at Connections, Culture, Creativity, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Lowry, G., & Gellman, M. (2014, May 28–30). Mapping in, on and Toward Aboriginal Space: Trading Routes and an Ethics of Artistic Inquiry. Paper Presented at the Mapping Culture: Communities, Sites and Stories International Conference, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
Beer, R. (2014). Trading Routes, Grease Trails, Oil Futures: Socially Engaged Site-Specific Artwork and its Pedagogical Implications. Paper presented at INSEA World Congress, Melbourne, Australia.
Beer, R. (2014). Site Specific and Socially Engaged Art: Mapping a Dialogic and Exploratory Research Methodology for Arts Based Research. Paper presented at INSEA World Congress, Melbourne, Australia.
Beer, R., & Leblanc. N. (2014). Un/Desired Landscapes: Acts of Sharing and Creating Knowledge through Site-Specific Artwork and their Implications for Social and Political Change. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA.
Beer, R. (2013, November 7–11). Arctic Network/Relate North. Paper presented at University of the Arctic-University of Lapland, Art Sustainability Art and and Design (ASAD), Reykjavik, Iceland
Wanner, A., & Beer, R. (2013, June 26–28). Found Data: Generating Natural Looking Shapes by Appropriating Scientific Data. Paper presented at the CoAx2103 Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X conference, University of Bergano, Bergano.
Beer, R., & Grauer, K., (2013, June 1–4). Pedagogical encounters through the introduction of documentary and experimental video art practices for at-risk youth. Paper presented at CSSE (SSHRC Congress), Victoria, BC.
Beer, R., & Grauer, K., (2013, May 9–11). Catch + Release: Mapping stories of changing marine environments and coastal communities through interactive art in informal sites of learning. Paper presented at CSEA-CAGE, Montreal, PQ.
Beer, R., & Grauer, K. (2013, January 30-February 1). Disrupting Currents/Making Waves/Inspiring Insight — Engaging Communities Through Digital Media Storytelling and Art Practice. Paper presented at Transmedia: Storytelling and Beyond Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Beer, R. (2013, May 30). Disrupting Currents/Making Waves/Inspiring Insight — Engaging Communities Through Art Practice. Paper presentation at Heartful Pedagogy Symposium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Beer, R., & Grauer, K. (2012, November 7–10). Disrupting Currents: Addressing cultural and environmental sustainability through art and pedagogy of community-engaged art exhibitions in coastal communities. Paper presented at Cultural Encounters and Northern Reflections, World Arts Alliance Summit conference, University of Lapland, Rouvaniemi, Finland.
Beer, R. (2012, November 10). Mapping Stories of geographic and Cultural Transition. Paper presented at the Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design (ASAD) Congress Symposium, University of the Arctic, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Beer, R. (2012). Research/creation of artworks and exhibitions: Mapping stories of geographic and cultural transition on Canada’s West Coast. Paper presented at Canada and Beyond II: From Sea to Sea and Beyond Conference, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, Spain.
Beer, R., & Grauer, K. (2012). Disrupting Currents: Practice-based research and interdisciplinary pedagogical encounters with interactive new media artwork within social history museums as informal learning sites. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Beer, R., & Grauer, K. (2012). Catch + Release: Mapping stories of geographic and cultural transition. Paper presented at Fifth Global Conference: Interculturalism, Meaning and Identity, Prague, Czech Republic.
Beer, R., & Grauer, K. (2012). Research/creation interactive artworks, cultural and marine environmental sustainability in social history museums as informal sites of learning. Paper presented at National Art Education Association Conference (NAEA ’12), Earth Art Education Workshop, New York, NY.
Beer, R., & Grauer, K. (2011). Catch and Release Project: Pedagogical Encounters. Paper presented at the World Congress of the International Society of Education through the Arts (INSEA), Budapest, Hungary.